Monday, October 12, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian friends and family. When I lived in Canada, I always thought it more sensible to have Thanksgiving in October. You get to share the orange colors and pumpkins with Halloween AND you have one month rest before Christmas! 

BEACH MONEY by Jordan Adler is a very good read for the network marketer. Here are his 12 strategies for success - did you notice how the 12 strategies and my Tip #12 coincided? Pretty good, ;eh?

1. Focus on DISTRIBUTION NOT SALES. Lots of people making a few sales each - Points of sale - Distribution sites - You buy a Distribution Center.

2. Focus on passive, non-linear income versus active linear income. You get what you focus on.

3. Become the most well-connected person you know (grow business card file). When someone needs a handyman, a carpenter, a car dealer - wallah - YOU have just the person.  Then, when someone needs what you have - YOU come to their mind.

4. Be sure your environment supports your cause - surround yourself with like minded people.

5. Make friends without an agenda. Make friends to just make friends.

6. Create memorable experiences for yourself and for others. Teams that play together stay together.

7. Invest in yourself and in others.  Budget some of your income for personal development. Don't miss out on the chance to grow immeasurably by being around other top leaders in your organization.

8. Dream.  Very wealthy successful people have the following in common: They dream BIG dreams and they talk about their dreams.  They have magazines on their desk and coffee table that contain some of the things they dream about.  And, they read books and listen to cd's that help to expand their dreams.

9. Act and Adjust - don't Analyze.  Understand that your success will not be logical. Most great success stories defy logic. As you grow, your journey takes you into uncharted territory. Think about it, going from working at a job to living the Beach Money life will be a brand new experience for you. The journey to success almost never unfolds the way you expect it to. Trying to analyze it just delays your success. The sooner you start taking action toward your dreams, the sooner  you will start living your Beach Money Life.

10. Focus on your people skills more than your technology skills. Leadership is the most valuable skill you can have for creating a Beach Money life. If you are looking for a large Beach Money income and you have a choice between building your team or building your website - the advice is to spend your time learning to build a team and influence people in a positive way.  Most wealthy people don't even answer their own emails! Become a master of communcations, networking, building relationships, and public speaking.

11. Oursource as much as possible.  Free up as much of your time as possible. Rather than learn to do everything, pay others to do what you can't or are not willing to learn. For instance, if you are not good at keeping your accounting records - hire someone. In the beginning, you might start by hiring a house cleaner to come twice a week. As your business grows, you can increase the frequency. This is not about being lazy or pretentious. It's about freeing up your time so you can do what you love and spend time at the beach with your family!

12. Keep your message simple and consistent. Get a few distributors - get a few customers - help your distributors get started doing the same thing. If you have a tough time explaining your message, it will slow down your growth. If an 8yr old can't do it, consider not doing it. If an 8yr old can't understand it, someone else probably can't either. It's that's simple.

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