Sunday, October 11, 2009


We've talked about the correct posturing as a professional network marketer, but I wonder how many of you really try out what you read? It is so easy to tell someone how to approach a prospect, but it is something else entirely to really do it. The fear of rejection is huge. It starts when we are kids or teens and don't want to be turned down for a date, the dance, use of the car - the list is endless. Growing up is the pits.

I was a preacher's kid, so I know the fear of not even being asked! This fear carries over into adulthood - fear of not being with the in crowd - the list as adults is also endless.
As a professional network marketer, you must overcome this fear and use it to your advantage.

A few tips -
When someone tells you they are not interested or don't have the time - think positive - act positive. Tell them you are really happy they said No to this opportunity. They will look at you funny, and then you can tell them that everything in this world is a game of numbers and percentages. You need a certain amount of people that are not interested before you come across that one person that is your Ace - your leader in training. They have just brought you one step closer. Smile (go ahead - die a little inside), hold your head up and tell them to keep you in mind should they change their mind.  Walk away with confidence- don't convince them.

I have made so many mistakes in network marketing. One of the biggest is to keep going back in an email to someone or every time I see them say something about the company, after they have shown no interest. I have learned - don't ever do this. I have personal stories of people not emailing me anymore and avoiding me in public. I am a professional with a credible business investment. I don't have time to waste. Besides, I also broke one of Dani Johnson's cardinal rules - I told them my message before I got interested in THEM.

When someone tells you they are already in Arbonne, Shaklee, Amway, Mandura, Melaleuca (whatever the home based business) and they say they are happy with their company/product - praise their company. Tell them you wish them every success and since they are happy with the money they are making in their present company, you wouldn't want to change anything or convince them to do anything else. In the case of an Arbonne distributor, you can say with conviction what I wrote in an email recently. "I totally understand your wanting to stay with Arbonne. Arbonne is a great company. I wish you continued success with it. Keep me in your back pocket should you ever want to try a different type of skin care product. Actually our companies are somewhat connected. Arbonne's past CEO Robert Henry, left Arbonne (after zooming its growth) to join Rodan and Fields as the Strategic Business Advisor. If he can do for Rodan and Fields what he did for Arbonne, we are in for a wild ride!"

Always stay professional, walk and talk with confidence in your company, speak from the conviction that you know these products work and this business model makes money.

Wear your name badge everywhere. This past week I had two ladies come up to me because of my name badge. One was in a coffee shop. She asked if I had an office in Spring Hill. I didn't say NO - rather I said (while pointing to my badge) the doctors have their offices in California. I work as a consultant for them and send clients to our website for products that work. I then said that I was using the product (told my story about my brown spots being a work in progress) myself and love the look and feel of my skin. I gave her my card and told her to contact me about saving 10% with free shipping.

Another lady saw me at Touch a  Truck over the weekend and asked if I had a booth here or was I just wearing my badge? I said I was just wearing my badge. She quickly continued - she had used ProActiv and a friend was trying one of the new products. She was using L'Oreal right now but after 3 weeks it was doing nothing and she didn't like it.  I asked her if she was going to send back the used bottles to the company for a refund? She looked at me like I was nuts. This was my "in" - I told her our products had a 100% guarantee - gave her my card and told her she needed to give it a try. 

One of these days I am going to have the Confidence and Conviction to walk up to someone and say - You have my condolences. They will ask why and I will say - your skin care products are obviously not working well for you?  Pointing to my name badge I will say that I have something that is guaranteed to work.  Watch this blog - one day I will tell you I had the confidence and conviction to do this!

As a professional, there should never be a day go by that you don't talk about this fabulous company, Rodan and Fields (sorry, if you are with another company and you are reading this - just insert your company name for Rodan and Fields - if your company has all the guarantees ours does!).  Make it a game within yourself to see how many different ways you can inject into the conversation something about Rodan and Fields.  Look for places to inadvertantly leave your card or a brochure. Pay your bills with envelopes and put in a business card. Just remember to have confidence and conviction.

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