Friday, January 29, 2010

21 WAYS....your three powers

This 21 day series is being taken from the book " Putting the Positive Thinker to Work" by Alice Potter. There might be some paraphrasing, but for the most part it is from her book.

Welcome to the world of 21! If you stick with me in this blog for 21 days, you will be embarking on an adventure that can - i f you let it - be exciting and rewarding. The number 21 has always been a significant one. You become an adult at 21. You are able to drink, drive, and sign your name. It's the dividing line between growing up and being grown. In the world of chance, the game of black jack is the winning number. Then there is the 21-gun salute. And, they say it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. So, let's start our 21 days.

You are unique, special and wonderful. You are unlike any other living soul on this planet. You have abilities, capabilities and powers you have never known existed. You have potential. You possess three fabulous powers - powers that may have been dormant or rarely used until now.
1. The power of thought. The power that no one else can control but you.
2. The power of choice. The power that no one else can control.
3. The power of decision. The power that no one else can control.

You have been gifted with these awesome powers, but over all three, you have been given total and complete control. When you properly control these God-given powers you will have complete control over your life and that happens in it. Many people will say that something that happened was God's will. Forget that! It was God's will to give you the power of choice. If you messed things up by your wrong or inappropriate choices, be gracious enough to accept the blame, knowing that you now have the power to change things. You can turn your life around because you now understand the power of choice.

You come to a fork in the road, you have to choose one way or another. You may confer with others, but ultimately it your power of decision. Your life up til now is a direct result of your utilizing your three powers. Once you understand and accept that YOU are in control of your life - it is liberating.

Postive thoughts brighten our day, increase our enthusiasm, keep us young (!), maximize our health and improve our skills. We must eliminate negative thoughts and reprogram our thoughts with self-chosen positive thoughts. Your attitude is the "you" you present to the world. If you present a negative attitude, you will never succeed, you will never attain your goals, you will never create lasting friendships. You will never be happy.
You can do this - you and you alone are in control of your thoughts, choices and decisions. Constantly clear your mental house. Stop - Halt negativity. Replace it with a positive thought. Do this for 21 days - every day.

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