Thursday, November 5, 2009


These notes are taken from a webinar presented by Doug Firebaugh - a genius in networking with a few of my own thrown in. Face it, whether you are in business or not, you network. Getting together with your friends for coffee, a drink, to shop, to shoot pool or watch a football game, are all examples of networking. Do you ever tell your friends about a great movie, a restaurant that opened, sales somewhere? This is network marketing at its best - giving a personal referral about something. So, here we go - How to be a Good Facebook Social Networker - basically - how to be a good friend on facebook.

I have to confess and give credit where credit is due. My daughter, Shannon Rudderham Kemp, taught me how to get on Facebook and was very patient with me while I learned the difference between a Wall, Home, Message, Share, Link, privacy, etc etc. I still ask her things.  Since then I have grabbed onto FB and now could almost be called a nerd. Yet, I feel like I am still on the edge of what there is to learn about communicating thru social networking... globally. Our world is changing fast - get with the changes or be left with your pencil and eraser and stamps. Off the soapbox and onto today's post.

1. Go on Facebook daily - what kind of friend are you if you don't talk with your friends.
2. Study your Home Page  - comment on everything, look at your requests and act on them.
Click between Status Updates and News Feeds - News Feeds happen more often than Status Updates.
3. Your Profile - click on this and then on WALL. Look at all the comments and what your friends have done - comment on your friends activity and comments.
4. Look for New Friends - look at your current friends list of friends - add some you know or want to  know. Go to the Search box in the upper right and put in someone's name. And, answer your Friend Requests and then thank them for "friending" you.
5. Join Groups. Same Search box - put in something you are interested in and then click on a few - find some groups to join. This is a great way to make new friends.
6. Your Personal Info - add to it, write stuff, add pictures. Face it - we are on Facebook to be seen, tell about ourselves, to learn about others. It is a fabulous social medium.
7. Watch what you say. So many people use FB to air their differences, comment negatively on things, and even tear someone else down. C'mon people, we are all adults. This world has enough places for all that petty stuff. Help keep FaceBook a fun interesting and learning place. If you need to send a message to someone - privately - click under their picture on Send a Message. It goes to their inbox. What you send and what they reply thru the inbox is Private just between the two of you.
8. Notifications - bottom right is a small TV screen with a red number- click it. The word Notifications will come up and under it are all the communications in a nutshell. click on See All and you can click on them and comment. You can set your notifications to what you want to see.
9. Give Value to your friends on FaceBook. Make them laugh, let them cry with you, honor people, help new people, share. tell about your business, find new business partners, sell and promote, the list of positive things you can do on FaceBook is endless.

I hope you enjoyed this very short mini course on Facebook. Check out Doug Firebaugh's website and facebook page. He offers so much info it is mind boggeling. Don't have time? Everyone has a little time every day to connect.  If not, go sharpen your pencil.

If you didn't get my skincare tip of the day - sleep on your back and reduce facial wrinkles.

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